TK License Issues
15 years ago
In a prior post I mentioned some products not being included due to license issues. In particular I mention KICKS. Here is the specific statement from the KICKS web site:

"6. REDISTRIBUTION. KICKS may not be redistributed. This means (for example) that it is not to be uploaded to any internet site nor included with any product, book, or compilation of products (such as a new turnkey release). In all cases KICKS must be obtained directly from me after agreeing to license terms."


"8. MODIFICATION OF CODE. KICKS may not be modified. Regardless of the inclusion of source code KICKS may not be modified in any way except by the application of updates obtained directly from me."

RPF has a similar restriction about modification of the code.

JOL is another which isn't included due to license even though the author at one time asked what it would take to include JOL in the TK.


new web address is http://members.iinet.net.au/~clementclarke

"Note that distributing Jol, OSCAR or other programs or subroutines 'bundled' in with any product is considered to be a 'commercial purpose'."

I don't think TK is restricted to non-commercial use only, so JOL's license may prohibit inclusion. I'm not saying any of the above is bad or good, it's just the way it is.

There are other things as well, some of which we have a commitment from the author to include a portion of a commercial product, but haven't received the portion which we can include yet.

15 years ago
The main reason I don't want KICKS redistributed is that it isn't ready. Turnkey releases are long lasting (the tk3 cd was out in 2002, right?) but I'm releasing new KICKS stuff at least 2-3 times a year, so while I appreciate that many would find it convenient to have KICKS packaged into a system, I don't like the idea of them loading that system 5 years from now & thinking that's what KICKS is like.

I expect it will be several years before KICKS is mature enough to be included in such an offering.

Is modificiation of code an issue? As you say RPF has similar restrictions but has been in the turnkeys since the dawn of time.
15 years ago
Post by mfnoel
The main reason I don't want KICKS redistributed is that it isn't
Perfectly understandable.
Post by mfnoel
Turnkey releases are long lasting (the tk3 cd was out in 2002,
right?) but I'm releasing new KICKS stuff at least 2-3 times a year,
so while I appreciate that many would find it convenient to have
KICKS packaged into a system, I don't like the idea of them loading
that system 5 years from now & thinking that's what KICKS is like.
Yes, TK releases have and may continue to be of long duration.
Post by mfnoel
I expect it will be several years before KICKS is mature enough to
be included in such an offering.
Is modificiation of code an issue? As you say RPF has similar
restrictions but has been in the turnkeys since the dawn of time.
Maybe not quite the dawn of time, but for a while.

KICKS, just like earlier versions of RPF, is a work in progress. There were several versions of RPF released by the author, Rob Prins, over the years. The version included in the TK3 CD is not as capable or user-friendly as the latest version. I would imagine as you develop KICKS you are making improvements with each release.

Although the thread title is "TK License Issues", it wasn't meant to be a request for some relaxation or modification or an author's license. My initial post stated:

"I'm not saying any of the above is bad or good, it's just
the way it is."

because there have already been some requests to include this and include that in the next TK. I just want folks to know there are some limitations on what can be included.

