BETA News 10-05-21 -- ALPHA Released
2010-05-21 17:57:38 UTC
It was November 2009 when this was last worked on. Since then I have had numerous things which have keep any progress from being made on the remaining bugs.

After 4 days either in court or preparing rebuttal for testimony last week, the judge ruled in my favor on a situation which has left me emotionally and at times physically and mentally drained. Even several days after the court's ruling with proper documents in hand, the police were called by nursing home staff accusing me of criminal trespass by visiting my grandmother in the nursing home. The police left without incident and I continued my visit with my grandmother.

With all the future turmoil which I foresee and lack of time to regain my senses for working on the TK3UPD, I have decided to post the link to the ALPHA which has a couple of bugs which can be easily cleared on initial run. To my way of thinking there is no point keeping all the updates and improvements which have been made until the majority of the bugs are put to bed.

There is a readme in the zip file which has the most basic instructions on how to setup the system. The TK3 Cookbook is still applicable to most if not all items in the system as it's base is the TK3 build.

It can be downloaded from:


Best wishes to all - Phil

ps - initial bugs are LOGREC full - cleared by "S CLEARERP"
The SYS1.BRODCAST dataset also got clobbered during the shrinking of the DASD images. A "SYNC" may fix it but I haven't even gotten around to the proper fix. Upon initial signon to the HERCxxx logon IDs there may be some "leftover" completion messages.
yvette hirth
2010-05-21 18:04:19 UTC
Post by halfmeg
After 4 days either in court or preparing rebuttal for testimony last week, the judge ruled in my favor on a situation which has left me emotionally and at times physically and mentally drained. Even several days after the court's ruling with proper documents in hand, the police were called by nursing home staff accusing me of criminal trespass by visiting my grandmother in the nursing home. The police left without incident and I continued my visit with my grandmother.
i'm very sorry to hear that you had to go through all that.

hopefully, it will be behind you soon.

best wishes
yvette hirth
2010-05-24 02:24:04 UTC
Found this old email from Phil re: the alpha and I've re-pasted it below. If the re-posting of this helps anyone - thank Phil. If it causes any troubles - blame me (hah). AFAIK any mention of running a Herc snapshot is no longer needed though as everything is now included in Hercules 3.07.

Would be interested in feedback from folks testing the TTY and/or the SNA/3705 stuff...

Best Regards

Hi Folks,

A couple of posts I made in the TK BETA groups so testing could be done on FTP, TCAM/TSO and 3705/3270 access.

FTP In the Update BETA

Using Hercules-3.06 native from Hercules-390.org:
adding the 3 MSVC*.dll files needed and dyn75.dll included in the update provides a working FTP on 3.8j.

A snapshot from Ivan's site which permits both dyn75.dll and the 2703/3705 entries in the config to work is:
DYN75.dll has to be in the directory Hercules is executed from. The default path for MODs seems to override everything else. In other words, something like 'lsmod dyninst c:\ftp\dyn75.dll' shows it loaded but when it gets to execution of the x'75' opcode it abends.

On the MVS console enter:

s ftp

It will scan the volumes in the VATLST and create a directory of files which it can operate with. So far it seems only PS datasets work, PO files hang, then disconnect from the server.
GET and PUT work but if the file doesn' or didn't exist when the above scan was made the transfer fails.
I asked Jason to enhance FTP last year to provide job submission capability. That also works by specifing 'aaintrdr' in the PUT command.
DOS Windows session below:

C:\tk3upd>ftp localhost
Connected to tester.
220 *** MVS38j FTP Daemon ***
User (tester:(none)):
331 Okay, waiting for password.
230 You are now logged in.
ftp> get mvs.stage1.output
200 PORT command successful
125 Data connection open, starting transfer
226 Transfer complete!
ftp: 882409 bytes received in 2.31Seconds 381.50Kbytes/sec.

ftp> put c:\updates\diskmap\diskmap.jcl AAINTRDR
200 PORT command successful
125 Data connection open, starting transfer
226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 572 bytes sent in 0.00Seconds 572000.00Kbytes/sec.
ftp> quit
221 Bye!

The submitted job ran without problems.

TCAM TSO TTY & VTAM 3705 3270

You must be running a snapshot which incorporates the 3705 modifications. Change file in Hercules stated they were added 15 MAY, so snapshots after that date would probably work:
Uncomment the 4 devices 058-060 in the tk3upd.conf file, start hercules and IPL.

On MVS console, enter - s tp
after TP starts enter - f tp,ts=start

start a telnet session ( win2k telnet did not work - telnet installed by original TK3 CD in Hercules directory does provide working connection) as below:
C:\mvswork\hercules>telnet localhost 32005
Connected to tester.
Escape character is '^]'.
logon ibmuser
terminal linesize(100) <<<<------<<<<< ( not required )
dsat 'herc04'
MVSCAT 15 1 1 A-PO FB 80 19040 06/11/74 HERC04.CMDPROC
PUB000 30 1 1 A-PO FB 80 19040 07/13/74 HERC04.TEST.ASM
PUB000 30 1 1 A-PO FB 80 19040 07/13/74 HERC04.TEST.CNTL
PUB000 30 1 1 A-PO U 0 19069 07/13/74 HERC04.TEST.LOADLIB
To shutdown TCAM and TSO for TTY
f tp,ts=stop
z tp

Terminal connection via 3705.

Thought I had correct this in SYS1.VTAMLST(ATCSTR00) member, but see it is the former settings. NPBUF settings should be, "NPBUF=(032,,32,F)," in order for MHPrmt1 to load.

v net,act,id=mhp3705
v net,act,id=mhprmt1
reply yes to the RE-IPL message issued due to the above command.
v net,act,id=mhpdial

start a 3270 session like below:

wc3270 -model 3279-2 -port 32001 localhost
Press RESET (Alt-R in wc3270)
Press ENTER. You should receive "UNSUPPORTED FUNCTION"
Instead of pressing ENTER, you should press SYS REQ key (hit ESC key;
enter 'sysreq', hit ESC key to switch back to 3270 mode)
It should be asking for USERID
The short-form USS command "TSO2" should also work, for example:
TSO2 <userid> [then follow send Sys Req process above or key]

Good luck,


There are a good many things yet to be done ( doc for one ).

After you start Hercules, you may want to merge the shadow files ( meant to before shipping but didn't ) into the base DASD "sf-* force" on the Hercules console before IPL. This way the BETA can be reverted to after any modifications you make by deleting all files in the SHADOW directory.
2010-05-24 18:06:04 UTC
Post by ikj1234i
Found this old email from Phil re: the alpha and I've re-pasted it
below. If the re-posting of this helps anyone - thank Phil. If it
causes any troubles - blame me (hah). AFAIK any mention of running a
Herc snapshot is no longer needed though as everything is now
included in Hercules 3.07.
Would be interested in feedback from folks testing the TTY and/or the SNA/3705 stuff...
Thanks Max. To add a little more, if it works it is the result of several people, me being the least of them. If it is broken, then I am sure I did it.

Like the JES2PARMs being backleveled because I copied in the shadow file to replace the formatted spool ( it's saved space to ship unformatted ).

This JES2 parm business may not affect anything you are doing at all. If you are trying to run RJE it may. There may have been other changes as well, but I don't remember what they were off hand.

To run with the intended PARMS one can shutdown JES2 and restart it with "S JES2,P=PARMLIB". This should pick up the backup JES2PARM member in SYS1.PARMLIB which I believe is the intended PARMS for the distribution. To change the initial startup of JES2 to the intended PARMS, one can copy member JES2PARM from SYS1.PARMLIB to JES2PARM in SYS1.JES2PARM.

Among reasons for releasing the ALPHA was for folks to go ahead and test the new items included, like the 3705 stuff and KICKs stuff.

