for z/OS, there is no "heap"-type stack, but yes, there is a "mainframe"
form of a stack, called the save area trace. it is a noncontiguous
doubly-linked (i.e., backwards and forwards) stack.
Actually, it's more properly named a doubly-linked list. :-) "SAVE AREA
TRACE" is what dump processing calls it when it's printed out.
there is no pc-style "heap" with program linkage and register saving,
but iirc there are heaps used in some areas of z/OS (advanced stuff; PC
/ PR instructions, etc).
PC/PR linkages have been established since MVS/XA and use hardware
stacks, but the old "traditional" S/360 types of linkages still work
just fine. z/OS uses a variety of linkage conventions, including BALR,
BAKR, BASSM and PC/PR, depending on the requirements. PC/PR are
especially useful since they allow a Address Space Switch event. Much
faster than SVC events for some supervisor services, like
events are really very slow, because of the hardware and software
overhead in processing an interrupt.
for more information, you could read the Principles Of Operation (POPs)
for z/OS and Assembler Language Reference / Macros. POPs will explain
the instructions; the ASM manuals should show you program linkage
methodology (program linkage methodology remains basically unchanged
since the 1960's). it's not "light reading" (i used to read POPs when i
had insomnia...)
I found that Program Logic manuals served equally well for insomnia. :-)
"Supervisor Services" also has a fair description of program linkage
also please note that while DOS/VS(E), (z/)VM, and z/OS all use pretty
much the same instruction set, they all have different linkage
Most, if not all, the various linkage conventions are available on all
those systems. Most of the "dependance" is based on the available
instruction set.