On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 6:22 AM, Andreas F. Geissbuehler <
Post by Andreas F. GeissbuehlerOriginal Message From: Ron Hudson, Subject: [turnkey-mvs] I am using the
linux utility screen to run my Hercules..
Thanks Ron !
1) for introducing me/us to screen
2) for introducing me/us to hercules-turnkey.wikispaces
When "newbies" come here to this list with questions "oldies" are eager
Anyone with a question is told to search the [turnkey-mvs] archives of
this list and wikispaces first (add Google, IBM-MAIN, etc.). Instead of
asking qustions here he/she should henceforth ask for CLARIFICATIONS
to one or more QUOTED previous posts and/or wikispaces topics. .
Then we help not one but many by editing/enhancing *our* wikispaces !!
while replying here: "see http://hercules-turnkey.wikispaces.com/xyz..."
To me the stated justification is obvious but WHAT SAY YOU ?
Andreas F. Geissbuehler,
AFG Consultants Inc.,
Andreas, first thank you for the kind words about the wiki and the little
work I put into screen.
Now on to to the other point...
If we do this we fall into the same trap as the Linux snobs. Telling people
who are/might be interested in that thing we love, to RTFM.
Now I was really motivated to learn - but if I had run into the RTFM wall i
might have just
uninstalled Hercules and moved on. I am a reasonable technical person too:
20 years
experience as 2nd line help desk in a Novell and Windows shop and a very
active Linux hobby.
But I have no experience with mainframes. None. And they are very different.
Instead, when I had a problem and could only just barely frame a salient
many of you stepped forward to help. Even to the point I have found of
saying pretty
much what is said in one or other of the various excellent websites. What
helped me
was your understanding of my confusion and suggestions - no website can
No, the real newbie will need a much simpler answer than the reference
material we have published. Also, *with no disrespect to the people who have
all the existing excellent sites*, the information for Hercules, Turnkey and
MVS itself is
spread far and wide. I remember, or at least I think I do, reading once
a way to "do this thing". But I cant find it again to save me. You even
a list of many places one may go to find answers.
Please keep helping people. You are better than a dead website no matter how
information it contains.