2010-05-01 21:02:54 UTC
Hello everyone,

I am setting up a new website mvsaudit.org.

It is run by a non-profit organization, a limited liability associatin being incrporated under Danish law.

We indend to provide professional MVS-z/OS know-how to the SP side and to the Audit and Security communities. And ave a strong wish to train young people in the ins and outs of Z/OS - MVS.

We feel that the remaining expertise on MVS internals is dwindeling in this world, and we are concerned for the future of the profession.

Somehow the experience and knwledge many of us have gathered over the past 30-40 years should be passed on to a younger generation.

As it is at the moment it looks like all the expertise is now in the hands of the manufacturer. And for audit and security that is certainly not the best of all worlds.

So, let me know your thoughts on these subjects. Anyone with a good knowledge of z/OS, RACF, ACF2, Topsecret, CICS, DB2, IMS, etc is welcome to write me at peter-***@public.gmane.org

I welcome all your contributions.

We are working on the by-laws of the association at the moment, and if you're interested please drop me a mail, and I will send you information about membership, etc.

Thank you,

Peter Thingsted, CISA
2010-05-02 05:21:49 UTC
Sounds interesting...
Post by peter.thingsted
Hello everyone,
I am setting up a new website mvsaudit.org.
It is run by a non-profit organization, a limited liability associatin being incrporated under Danish law.
We indend to provide professional MVS-z/OS know-how to the SP side and to the Audit and Security communities. And ave a strong wish to train young people in the ins and outs of Z/OS - MVS.
We feel that the remaining expertise on MVS internals is dwindeling in this world, and we are concerned for the future of the profession.
Somehow the experience and knwledge many of us have gathered over the past 30-40 years should be passed on to a younger generation.
As it is at the moment it looks like all the expertise is now in the hands of the manufacturer. And for audit and security that is certainly not the best of all worlds.
I welcome all your contributions.
We are working on the by-laws of the association at the moment, and if you're interested please drop me a mail, and I will send you information about membership, etc.
Thank you,
Peter Thingsted, CISA