2010-12-06 23:26:41 UTC
KICKS 1.1.2 is now available
What's New? ENQ/DEQ and GETMAIN/FREEMAIN api's, a few unrelated tweaks to the COBOL preprocessor, plus the usual fixes. See ...TESTCOB and ...TESTGCC files ENQDEQ and GETFREE for usage.
Other than hot fixes as necessary this is probably the last code update for the year. I'm shortly off on Xmas vacation and after that (mid January) I'll focus on improved documentation and examples.
Merry Christmas!
and a Happy New Year!
What's New? ENQ/DEQ and GETMAIN/FREEMAIN api's, a few unrelated tweaks to the COBOL preprocessor, plus the usual fixes. See ...TESTCOB and ...TESTGCC files ENQDEQ and GETFREE for usage.
Other than hot fixes as necessary this is probably the last code update for the year. I'm shortly off on Xmas vacation and after that (mid January) I'll focus on improved documentation and examples.
Merry Christmas!
and a Happy New Year!