regrading rpf
2010-10-17 04:59:19 UTC
i have installed turnkey mvs . I have logged to tso and typed rpf.
rpf opened and i created a ps file but iam not able to edit that dataset
it gives a error alloc failed rc008.

i tried to open the dataset through fse it says the dataset is not cataloged.

if we allocate a dataset through rpf it will be cataloged or not .

thank you in advance
2010-10-20 12:23:08 UTC
i have installed turnkey mvs . I have logged to tso and typed rpf.
rpf opened and i created a ps file but iam not able to edit that dataset
it gives a error alloc failed rc008.
i tried to open the dataset through fse it says the dataset is not cataloged.
if we allocate a dataset through rpf it will be cataloged or not .
thank you in advance
i have installed turnkey mvs . I have logged to tso and typed rpf.
rpf opened and i created a ps file but iam not able to edit that dataset
it gives a error alloc failed rc008.
i tried to open the dataset through fse it says the dataset is not cataloged.
if we allocate a dataset through rpf it will be cataloged or not .
thank you in advance
Alloc failed, rc= 0008 in RPF edit means, that you didn't try to
allocate through catalog search but directly specified a volume in the
"Volume= " field and the dataset was not on that volume. If the previous
allocation of the dataset in RPF Menu 3.2 was successful, the dataset
definitely is cataloged. Thus you simply have to clear the "Volume= "
field on RPF's edit menu to let it find the dataset through catalog
search and you will be able to edit it.

Concerning your try using FSE: I assume that you messed up with the
dataset prefix, which is by default the username of your TSO session.
You either have to enter the dataset name either without prefix and
without apostrophes or with prefix and with apostrophes. Any other
combination of prefix and apostrophes will lead to a "DATASET NOT

Btw: As far as I know, you cannot edit an existing but empty dataset
with FSE. Either it's newly created by FSE and thus of course empty, or
it is old and not empty. When you try to edit a preallocated empty
dataset you'll get a "DATA SET EMPTY" error from FSE and it will not
balaji Jothiraman
2010-10-22 04:03:39 UTC
thank you
